Risk Mitigation via Robots, Drones, AGVs

• Robotics
• Drones

Our team began our respective careers launching new products for Burger King and Coca Cola; opening new hotels in Houston to Martha’s Vineyard; and always leveraging the power of Automation and AI technology whether during Hurricane Katrina and Harvey to the debilitating damage the pandemic wrought upon hotel-resorts worldwide.

Robot, Fleet, and Artificial Intelligence-of-Things (AIoT) for the World’s Top Hospitality and Property Brands
Multi-purpose Facilities, Hotel Housekeeping
Sports Stadiums and Arenas: AIoT, Automation, and Service Delivery via PropTech Digital Twins
Front-of-House and Back-of-House (FOH/BOH) management portfolio

As such, we leverage our 20+ years of helping property partners with OnDemand Workforce Solutions that have increased YoY sales by upwards of 20% and also able to reduce Energy-Operational Costs by 10%+ with our CleanTech platform.