
Maro Estores Viriña

Travel Exec Maro Estores Viriña has trained thousands of professionals for clients American Express Travel™️, Orbitz™️, and Expedia™️. For the past 15 years, she has specialized in helping young graduates thrive in communications and customer engagement as well as back-of-house management. TRAIN is her debut novel and a personal mission to share the message of #GirlsGotThis.



Excerpt: Maro Estores Viriña on her debut novel TRAIN and its 15 year journey

People are increasingly worried that they’re going to lose their jobs, unable to earn a livelihood when it’s already so hard to get by let alone save a few measly bucks each day for the unexpected.

BPO female commuters pressed against dozens like cattle heading off to work; lucky enough if you don’t get molested as you scramble off the metro. “BPO will take jobs away.” everyone bemoaned and 30 years later they’re still saying the same thing. And now, Robots and AI has joined that Doomsday List.

Ironically, even the Business Process Outsourcing industry now fears the impact of AI… even though its global hub of the Philippines is the world’s top downloader of GenAI apps.

How does the ability to save that commute money, to save the indignity of being groped on the train, push younger Gen Z workers from saying “I’ve had enough of this shit. If I can do the work from home, then my boss oughta allow me to #WFH!”

Robots always go to work. They don’t harass, they don’t politicize, they just get the work done. All it needs is to be trained. And that’s what I’m going to do. And Gen Z will enable me to do it.

AMEX Travel Services

“Working in Travel & Hospitality requires a trained focus as the customer — and the employee — are stressed and needing help. To deliver the service levels expected demands empathy combined with a Take-No-Prisoners approach to excellence.

Only when one reminds themselves that the other person on the line may have spent all their savings to travel for those 3, 10 days will one be able to put themselves in the traveler’s current state of fear, frustration, or anger. Meanwhile, the agent is also experiencing the same emotions regarding not meeting their KPIs as she worries about being able to provide for her young child.

It’s that dichotomy — and the constant challenging of oneself — that I love and has kept me in this industry my whole adult life.”

Maro Estores Viriña on the MaximoViola Family Office’s specialization on Hotels, Resorts, and Airline co-op brand and marketing campaigns for both sides of the Pacific.

Faraway Hotel and Pelican Club

Excerpt: Maro Estores Viriña on GirlsGotThis in TRAIN

Many of these girls watched their parents swept away by the flood as they themselves clung to survive the onslaught of the world’s strongest storm.

10 years later, they are rebuilding their lives playing football after school learning skills and receiving mentorship for their (hopefully) long journey ahead.

A sense of entitlement, they have none. And society works too hard to maintain the status quo that keeps underserved communities in their place for the preservation of whatever “wealth” they already have.

But these young athletes train day-in, day-out telling themselves, telling each other #GirlsGotThis and how they want more.

FundLife’s #MoveLuzon Campaign and #GirlsGotThis
“TRAIN” (2024) • Kick-off pilot for the -ph series connecting how the World’s Worst Commute and #wfh is a peek at the accelerated rollout of robotics globally.
“PLANE” (2025) • The 2nd installment of the -ph series will high-light the interoperability of robots and AI on disparate platforms and how the 1st NOCC in the planet addresses asset management challenges when it comes to drones, quadruped, and humanoids.
“BUS” (2025) • The 3rd and last installment of the -ph series will wrap-up the complexities the world will face when AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things) and embedded computers will somehow need to connect it all together
Please support GirlsGotThis.org or contact “maro@365ph.live” to learn more of FundLife’s #DreamsInColour program



TVET #ph

Technical Vocational Eduucation Training • Helping students and young professionals in their careers and microenterprise

“Before I graduated in Hotel Restaurant Management (HRM), I was able to work in an internship in the US for Golden Nugget Resort in LA. When I returned to the Philippines, I knew I wanted to continue working with spa and hotels. 365ph will allow me to continue my passion for HRM while learning about Beauty-Wellness as well for my small business.” — Maricel, Cebu City

FundLife’s #GirlsGotThis program is focused on helps young students develop skills and opportunities for a brighter future in the Philippines.

365ph Products and Platforms

“I was in BPO after college but I wanted to start my own business. Beauty and Wellness was always my love and I realized that my Running Groups not only was a great community for my own health journey, but also a great group of sisters that was willing to support my Nail & Hair startup business.” — Christine, Metro Manila

Beauty and Spa-Resort Solutions

  • 365ph’s Career and Community Development is the leading social enterprise initiative by the Women Owner, Women Managed organization of BPO exec Maro Estores
  • Prior to co-founding 365ph, Maro has helped top-tier global brands Expedia, American Express Travel, and Orbitz.com
  • Stemming from her extensive work with hotels and lifestyle-travel, Maro started the Beauty & Health portfolio to help young women become professionals or micro-entrepreneurs in the salon, spa, or beauty industries

TVET, Adult Learning, and Continuing Education initiatives have historically proven to uplift underrepresented segments.

#ForFilipinas #lovePH
Exclusive Hair Dryers and Irons
365ph Professional Styling Toolset by Laifen
Professional Manicure-Pedicure Set
365ph Smart Gel Nail Dryer
365ph #BeautyBiz Sales Mgmt by BMC
365ph Microfinancing Partners w Chambers of Commerce to help start your venture
365ph Microfranchising Network w Local Partnerships in PHL and Overseas to grow your small business

Health is wealth.” #ph

Whether for Cosmetology to Caregiving Services, TVET, Adult Learning, and Continuing Education initiatives have historically proven to uplift underrepresented segments.

“I am now a caregiver in Houston, Texas and it’s an industry I never thought I would be in. Though I l live in the US, I visit my sister and family here in Metro Manila every 2 years. Through 365ph, I can continue my work in healthcare but also start a Beauty & Wellness franchise that I enjoy doing outside of my 9-5 job.” — Charisse, Houston

Maro Estores @ Flat Planet Makati