Food Fests & Popups

Branded Activation Events

From Philips Airfryer Lifestyle events in Singapore or Manila to Food & Beverage Demos at culinary campuses and the world’s largest malls, brand and technology partners are able to maximize engagement and reach rapidly through pop-up and food festival events.

Event Partnerships and Portfolio: Hilton, Hyatt, Westin, Seaport NYC, SM Supermalls, Ayala Malls, Simon Malls, Brookfield Properties



Manila and Robotics
Hyatt (US) and Live Nation Concerts: Jimmy Buffett
Mozambik South African and Robotics
Cape Cod VIP Event Buyouts: Netflix, Apple Films
Mexican Fiestas and Cancun-Houston Campaigns
Texas BBQ Events: Adidas, Cake Boss, Food Channel

Food Brings People Together

Our work for hotels, resorts, and restaurants enable technology and community partners to launch the campaigns addressing the most pressing problems of today.